Saturday, September 8, 2012

Rzeźbienie w szkle (carving in the glass - Polish)

In this video an assumedly Polish craftsman (the video's posted title is in Polish, so I'm guessing the video is from Poland, too) turns a blob of glowing, molten glass into a horse figurine in a minute and a half with no reheating whatsoever.

The craftsmanship here is just stunning and must have been repeatedly practiced, his every movement a step toward the finished product. Of particular interest is the color change as the glass cools. From brilliant white with just a hint of pink, the glass fades in the extremities first with the horse's nose and feet turning to black accents on the still bright pink body long before the full body turns a dark black at the end of the video.

Also fascinating is the changing pliability of the glass as it cools. Initially the workman has to roll the blob back and forth because it flows so easily, but as he works the glass and it cools, he is able to spend longer and longer without gravity taking hold, eventually opening the horse's legs with his tongs at the end.

Great stuff...

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