Monday, April 29, 2019

LignoLoc - Collated Wooden Nails

If I mention the word nails to you, what're your first thoughts?

If you're thinking of shiny, red, sparkly finger tips running up and down your arm, those aren't the right nails.

If you're thinking of steel slivers that hold things together, that's about what I'm talking about.

If you're thinking of wooden slivers that hold things together, then you're a big liar.

But apparently the LignoLoc people aren't liars, and they're thinking about wooden slivers holding wooden planks together.

How cool and environmentally friendly is that?

Actually, how environmentally friendly is that really? How many birch trees does it take to make a wooden nail?


  1. The nails are made out of compressed beech wood. Beech is a Wood species in European Forests without any use exept heating. Scientists are tring to find other solution to make something out of this Wood, because there is a lot of this in the Forests. Making nails is only one small idea for a sustainable use after logging.

  2. That's interesting to know. So beech doesn't have much use as a production wood?
