Monday, October 19, 2020

The wonder material of the 21st century | Monica Cracuin & Dimitar Dimov | TEDxTruro

No, I have never wondered why pushing harder on a pencil while I'm writing makes the line darker.

I just assumed that there were more layers of graphite being left behind.

Oh, wait, that's it?

Wow. that's not a great opening question, Dimitar.

Here Dimitar discusses the benefits of adding graphene to concrete to make the concrete even stronger. Then Professor Cracuin steps in and suggests other uses of graphene - electronics integrated into fabrics or even our skin - and graphene-like materials (?). She mentions a material of two layers of graphene sandwiched around iron chloride (a combination she calls graphexeter - after the University of Exeter where she researches) to make incredibly flexible, durable, conductive displays - possibly even 'tatoo'ed onto the skin or integrated into contact lenses.

As an aside, I think this is the first TED talk I've seen that switches presenters partway through.

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