Monday, July 26, 2021

Titanium - The Metal That Made The SR-71 Possible

 Hey there, Brian. Good to hear you again.

I recognize those material selection diagrams at 1:35. I've posted about similar diagrams before.

This video does a great job exploring the tradeoffs among strength, weight, cost, and properties in choosing a material. In this case, it's mostly about the tradeoffs guiding when we do - and don't - use titanium.

It also covers some of the concepts of chemical and electrolytic reduction around 5:00 - and states that we don't use either of the traditional processes to purify titanium. It's amazing that anybody ever figured out some of the more complicated metals They're so remarkably complicated.

We also get an application of accidental galvanic corrosion at 8:30 where the cadmium-plated tools were leaving trace amount of cadmium on the titanium.

Titanium really sounds like a pain in the tuchus to work with.

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