Monday, May 8, 2023

Ceramicist Uses Science To Create Sculptures Inspired By Nature

I stumbled upon the above video in searching for totally different ceramic stuff on YouTube, but I was immediately taken by the magnetic stalactites that the artist is creating in the video still.

He mentions in the video that he creates them by using a magnetic clay of his own devising between two super-strong magnets. 

Then the video goes through him using his ceramic as an electrode - which inherently doesn't make sense to me since ceramics are naturally non-conductive - in what appears to be a copper (II) sulfate solution and using a current to grow copper crystals on the ceramics.

Then the gold, pocked inner surface of other ceramic bowls showed up, and I was blown away with the beauty.

So I went searching the guy out to see just how much one of his pieces would cost me - assuming fully that I wasn't going to be able to afford it.

My first hit was for a reporter on NPR's MarketPlace with the same name, who clearly couldn't be the same guy. Then my second Google hint was the same guy's Twitter feed where he describes himself as "MarketPlace reporter, ceramicist". I then found his ceramics-focused Instagram account and knew I had the right guy.

Apparently this dude has a few disparate interests.

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