Tuesday, April 30, 2013

How To: Forge Sterling Silver with Drac (metallurgy modding like a boss)

Debbie and I started to play 'count the mistakes' in Drac's explanations in this video.

Acetone torch? No, probably acetylene torch.

He wants the un-exposed pieces to slag with the rest of it? No, he probably doesn't want slag.

Why would he be using copper tongs? Copper conducts heat wonderfully. (Though copper does at least melt at a higher temperature, +1085C, than does silver, + 962C.)

I thought that saying he was annealing the silver and quenching it was contradictory, but the wikipedia article says otherwise "Unlike ferrous metals—which must be cooled slowly to anneal—copper, silver and brass can be cooled slowly in air, or quickly by quenching in water."

The thickness actually does not matter? I would think that it would matter.

[The silver] came out of the pickle? He put the silver in a gherkin? Oh, nevermind, he's right on that one.

I'm pretty sure they're troy ounces, not trojan ounces.

All that being said, he does end up with a few hundred bucks in his hand. Maybe he could use that to buy a better microphone so we don't hear his torch drowning out his voice.

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