Sunday, May 26, 2013

THE FIRST TRUE ALTERNATIVE to traditional forms of Portland cement

This video isn't the most professionally created, as obvious from the three times that our host welcomes us back and the background hiss.

None of that matters, though, because the claims made in the video are pretty extraordinary. Geo Blue Crete is - according to the video - cheaper (2:20 - 10-20% less than the price of Portland cement), more environmentally friendly (10:10), more steadily priced (2:40), non-toxic (7:10), heat resistant (7:20), chemically inert (8:40), tensile strong in 360 degrees squared (9:20). It's apparently a pretty phenomenal product, and it's endorsed by Reverend Daniel.

I will admit to some skepticism. Extraordinary claims, after all, require extraordinary evidence.

This video makes some pretty extraordinary claims. Can anybody find some evidence for any of them?

Other sources of information

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