Monday, April 5, 2021

I make an ''8 Ball'' out of solid Stainless Steel and Brass

I'll admit that there's not a ton of content in today's video. Mostly it's a machining video where a guy - the unseen My Mechanics channel's youtuber - makes exactly what the video title says: an 8 ball made of stainless steel and brass.

The final product is pretty neat, and it would look good on a shelf as a curio - not really as much of anything else other than a heck of a thing to throw at someone or something you really hate.

I'm posting the video because of the neatness of the thermal expansion demonstrations at 1:50, 2:50, 3:30, and 4:10. In each case, a metal cylinder needs to be fit snugly into another metal cylinder. To get the fit to be a bit easier - but only temporarily - our host heats up the outer cylinder.

See, because metal - honestly, all materials - expand when heated. So the outer cylinder gets bigger as does its interior diameter. The youtuber is able to slip the inner cylinder inside, and when the outer cylinder cools, the fit becomes nearly seamless.

Brilliant stuff. 

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