Monday, January 3, 2022

Going green shouldn't be this hard

Reduce...I know...reduce.

Admittedly, the four-year jar of trash seems ridiculously daunting to me. My wife and I have tried to minimize our waste, but we're nowhere near that level of trash minimization.

I do appreciate the complaint about the government allowing companies to sell single use materials and containers without having a way to recycle their product where they're selling it. I'm liberal enough that I'm fully okay with the government instituting regulations to change that because I think it's pretty clear that the free market isn't ever going to fix our environmental problems. (Sorry, I'll step off of my soapbox and get back to the material science. I'm thinking I might need to start decreasing my leanings into the post-consumer side of material science in my blogging.)

This video looks at some effects of California's regulations on carbon taxing  and a cap on carbon emissions. Turns out that regulating things like carbon emissions isn't bad for business because it's good for people patronizing those businesses.

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