Sunday, August 10, 2014

Tapping a furnace

I have no idea what direct, curricular material science connection this would have, but it's worth sharing.

I have so many questions that aren't answered by the video's concise description: "A tapper opening a taphole in the side of an iron furnace. Using an oxygen lance."
  • Why wasn't there already a hole?
  • How much did that dude have to get paid to do this?
  • Is this a regular occurrence, or did something go wrong to require this action?
  • What sort of safety equipment would have to be involved - because it doesn't look like nearly enough?
  • Is this a field trip we can take from one of the summer teachers camps?
  • Are either of those 'sentences' in the description really sentences at all? (Don't worry, I already know they aren't.)

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