Tuesday, December 30, 2014

(DIS)Advantages of Water Soluble (PVA) for Packaging Cleaning Products, Laundry Detergent

Yeah, the message at 0:14 says, "[PVA] dissolves without leaving any harmless residue." That seems like a double negative - without leaving...harmless. It's a little confusing there, admittedly, but I'm going to chalk that up to Infhidro Soluciones en Film Hidrosoluble isn't a native English-speaking company.

PVA packaging can be pretty outstanding stuff. Just bundle up anything you need to later dissolve into water. Make the package exactly the right amount to be measured out and dosed.

Just don't make it something edible because the PVA isn't exactly something you'd want to ingest.

And maybe don't make the stuff inside the PVA package pretty enough that kids will want to pop the PVA packages like candy when they will then explode like little poisonous bombs in the mouth...sort of like a Detergent Gusher. See, Consumer Reports recently posted that The New York Times reported that in 2012 and 2013, over 17,000 children were poisoned (thankfully some in minor ways) by PVA detergent pods.

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