Friday, August 7, 2015

Face-Centered Cubic (fcc) Unit Cell Earrings for Material Scientists

Yeah, it might be worth buying these $16, face centered cubic unit cell earrings (made of nylon impregnated with aluminum - an fcc metal, itself - particles), but really only if you had a friend who wore them at the same time so you could put your heads together to show how they repeat to form the face centered cube.

Or you could take 'em off and put them right up next to each other, but who wants to go through the effort of taking earrings on and off to teach? Isn't that why we have unions so we don't have to do that anymore?

Oh, and I don't understand how this person doesn't also have at least body centered cubic, simple cubic, and hexagonal close packed earrings.

Or tongue studs.

Maybe stick pins for eyebrow piercings.

I'd buy a couple of those.

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