Monday, August 12, 2019

How It's Made Computer Recyling Gold

I'm actually a little surprised to see this type of recycling happening in what looks like a European country. Admittedly, the video seemingly does what it can to avoid showing us anything to
distinguish what country this recycling is happening in - no writing on much other than the forklift, no spoken language - at best it looks like it might be a Northern European country. Everything I'd heard was that this mostly took place only in countries with far less strict environmental and worker safety regulations.

I love that they're using aqua regia to dissolve the gold.

Then we get some outstanding electrochemistry going on with electrochemical reduction growing copper then silver then gold crystals. Phenomenal stuff (mostly in animation, admittedly).

Trigger warning - 4:15 - Corny joke relating fish and chips to computer chips.

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