Monday, June 8, 2020

How a Former Rocket Scientist Makes the Best Copper Pots in America - Handmade

For some reason, I never would have thought of pots being handmade.

Knives? Sure...I've seen knife-making videos.

But copper pots always seemed like an industrial commodity to me, though I guess I understand that they must've been hand-made originally.

This video isn't necessarily about material science, but the use of three different metals to produce  single piece with different properties in each part would allow for a good wrap-up of a metals chapter.

The copper is a great conductor, so it's a great choice for the body of the cookware.

But copper is reactive, so the inside of the pot is coated in tin - a not terribly active metal with a lower melting point.

And a copper handle would be too hot too quickly, so the cast iron handle is riveted onto the copper body.

Apparently different metals have different properties. Who knew?

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